The Hangman's Horde


The Hangman’s Horde is a gang of Outsiders led by Hank the Hangman. Sid and Tim are also part of this group.

They claim to have received a message from a vision which tells them,

“[T]his world will be destroyed, but that will not be our end. Forever will dawn when [Boomtown] is ash and its buried truth is liberated.”

Hank tells the slummers that they oppose the Black Pyramid and all who support it. The slummers are offered the chance to support the Horde in their eventual assault on the city. When they refuse, Hank orders their massacre.

The Horde appears to take pleasure in murdering the defenseless crowd.


Unlike the tribe we saw in Prologue, the Hangman’s Horde does wear clothing. They are mountain people who live in the Wilderness and it shows in their dress - animal skins, furs, and bones are common materials. Just as common are manufactured items that made it out of the city one way or another - a pair of overalls here, a keeper’s helmet there. The members of the horde carry firearms and are seen traveling via automobile.

